Thursday, 8 December 2011

Vikings studio shoot

Well, I've been meaning for a while to get into the "blogging" mullarky in the VERY slim chance anyone is slightly interested. I suppose if I don many more of these obviously comes down to whether or not they are being read, Comments more than welcome. My 1st attempt shares the highly secretive photoshoot of the Widnes Vikings new kit launch for their Super League campaign in 2012. After securing my own Vikings future just weeks before, The 1st job in hand was to prepare the new kit photos for a launch night where the shirt would be unveiled to 300 Vikings Stronghold members eagerly awaiting the 1st viewing of the kit.
I had a good friend that is setting up a studio so spent the weekend with him helping to put up backdrop supports, lighting stands and taking numerous test shots to put my own mind at ease that I could "nail" the shot when the players finally come to the shoot. To say i was nervous is a massive understatement. I don't do studio work and not the most comfortable using flash but to be honest with myself I am my own worse critic and am vastly too harsh on myself most of the time. Everything was in place and there was not much more I could have done to get things right.

D-day arrived and on a cold Tuesday night in deepest, darkest Runcorn I sat in a cold unit waiting to meet the 4 new Vikings players for the 1st time. Willie Isa, Ben Cross, Rhys Hanbury and Patty Ah Van arrived with Vikings Marketing manager and man seemingly in charge of the kit ideas and designs, Brian O Connor. Now, Even the new players, myself nor most of the the club had seen anything of the new kit in either design or in person so 1st impressions when the players stepped into the famous black and white shirt were very good, I liked the kit alot, Loving the black "V" and with little touches like the Q reader barcode, Club watermarked sticky bits and of course the all important 1989 World Club Champions Star.
As the lads worked the camera like model pros I think they may have done this more often than I had as they seemed at lot more at ease than I did. As we had some props (Not as in position sense) I suggested they threw some passes towards the camera, just above my head. These looked extremely close to me looking through the lens and I'm pretty sure they were in competition who could skim my head without hitting it. Gladly they are pretty good as throwing the ball about and none hit the bonce! It did however lighten the mood of the shoot as everyone all of a sudden seemed alot more relaxed.
Plenty of "action" and posed shots later from individuals and as groups the players could finally go home, Bare in mind now that these guys are full time and had been in all day training and we were now knocking on to 9pm. As they say in the trade (or at least in movies) that's a wrap! We had plenty of shots in a variety of poses to create memorabilia and promotional material. All that was left was the picture edits and more importantly keeping images under wraps until the scheduled launch night. I must confess I had one scary moment on twitter (Shameless follow plug, kt8photography) where my kids had had the iPad and tweeted an image of themselves thankfully. I know this confession alone will send shivers down Brian's spine but assure you mate, Steps have since been taken to rule out that mistake, Yep, The kids can no longer use their iPad. ha
Well, 1st ever blog done. Was it long enough? detailed enough? boring? interesting? Please leave comments below, If I get enough kind comments I may just blog on our recent TWO new signings!  (joke!)


  1. come on ste spill the beans!!
    good blog, worth a read and its very intresting knowing where it all come from!

  2. I liked this information -- good photos & I will follow this blog.

  3. Yes enjoyed reading it was very good will definatley read them again.

  4. Great Effort Ste it really adds to the site

  5. Yes, you need to more! Lots :)

  6. Like it nice blog please do more

  7. Great first blog, your nearly as good at writing as you are at photography, defo do more.

  8. starting off blogging with a very SLIM(operative word)chance, is a work in progress. also, i believe you do enjoy flashing ! excellent photos and report, lets have more and possibly add some into match day programmes, nipper

  9. your camera work is nearly better than your drinking c u in France
    nipper,s mate(yes he,s got one)

  10. i work away from home all week so any information, is welcome no matter how big or small. so just like the team practice makes perfect come on the vikings(all the club)

  11. Looks good to me

  12. Good blog and photos. Very interesting I will certainly read them in future. Cheers.

  13. Many thanks for taking the time to comment all, Appreciate it

  14. Really informative - keep them coming, especially on match days!

  15. Great Blog Ste, can't believe they never managed to hit your head when throwing it towards you. it's harder to miss than hit.

  16. Excellent jonesy who would have thought you were this talented all those years ago at cbs .

  17. First blog I have ever read, enjoyed it and will be coming back to it!

  18. I really enjoyed it! Long may it continue!

  19. Keep it going mate, informative and interesting

  20. Very good effort, its always interesting to get an insight into the "workings" of the club, particularly in relation to marketing to the public!
    Will continue to read them!
    Stephen Porter
